
Finger paint EFA Color 750ml peach

  • Eberhard-Faber - Finger paint EFA Color 750ml peach
  • Eberhard-Faber - Finger paint EFA Color 750ml peach

Finger paint EFA Color 750ml peach


  • Excellent coverage
  • Washes out of most textiles
  • Bottle size ideal for kindergarten and preschool use
  • 750 ml bottle
  • Colour: peach

Finger paint EFA Color 750ml peach

Painting with finger paints is not just fun for children: it promotes the development of motor skills, inspires the creativity and increases the colour perception. The colours can be applied on paper, cardboard, wood or glass by using the fingers, sponges, a spatula or paintbrushes. The finger paints are easy to mix and have a very good coverage. Furthermore, the colours are lightfast and fast drying. With soap and water, they can easily be removed from hands and surfaces. Our recommendation is to cover furniture and floors and children should wear a painting apron to ensure that after the big fun the big cleaning does not impend. The numerous colour shades are available individually in bottles, but also as a case. There are no limits to the variety of colours thanks to the base colour, the pastel colours and the metallic colours.

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